Well I finally got the results from my EEG and VER tests back from the neuorologist. They told me the results were normal. I asked them about riding out on the road and they said it was ok with them, but they told me that the neurosurgeon's office told them that he didn't want me out on the road because of what might happen. I don't know what to do, I really felt great riding out on the road earlier this week, but I do want to listen to what the doctors tell me to do. I'm having a hard time deciding on what to do. I know what might happen, but the same thing might happen as I'm walking the dog down the road too. It would be easy if both doctors told me to stay off the road, but only one says that, the other says it's ok as long as I wear a helmet (which I always do). Riding the trainer is getting on my nerves when it's a nice day outside. I can handle riding it on bad weather days, but I really want to be outdoors riding. I don't see the neurosurgeon until the 24th. I wonder what he will say when I ask him why I can work on aircraft but not ride outside? I wonder what he'll say if I tell him what I think my boss would say if I told him I can't come into work because of what might happen? I know what my boss would say, better find another job then. I'll let anyone who reads this know what my decision is. Until next time...........
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