Saturday, March 17, 2007

Catch up time

It's finally time to catch up on here. I've been riding as much as I can lately with the weather being great. On Monday I rode home from work, dropped my work gear off, & went out even more. I ended up doing about 34 miles that day. My legs felt good, didn't push it that much, just rode at a comfortable pace. On Tuesday I rode with my friend Eddie. We did 30.5 miles at an easy pace. It was a great ride. We talked about all sorts of cycling & non-cycling things. It's rides like that I remember why I love riding my bike again. On Thursday I did the group ride with the Central Georgia Cyclists. There were only about 6 of us that showed up. I guess others thought it was going to rain so they decided to pass. Well it was a great ride. I rode from my house to the start of the group ride so my legs were nice & warm by then. I told eveyone that I was going to push it on the ride & if they wanted to ride easy, I was cool going solo. Well that's exactly what happened. I started out at a comfortable pace for me & before you know it, I'm on my own. I decided to push the pace more. The big hill into Haynesville hurt just like always, but I know I'm getting stronger, because I can recover quicker after getting to the top of it. As I made the turn onto Grovania rode, I put it in the big ring & just setteled into a nice cadence. My legs felt really good the rest of the ride. I ended up waiting for everyone back at the start of the ride before having to ride home. I managed to get in 49.5 miles and my average speed was 19.4 mph. I can't complain about that seeing as I was riding solo the entire time. Well that's a good indication that I'm getting stronger & in the next 2 weeks, I'm going to be training for my next race. My next race is April 1st. It's the Perry-Robaix ride just south of here. There is one long climb I'm going to have to get used to doing, so I guess I'll be riding the race route as much as I can for the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned for more.....

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