Saturday, June 16, 2007

I've been really lazy here lately.

I know, I know, it's been a few weeks since I posted any thing on here and it's no one's fault but my own. I've been getting back into the training mode here lately & found out I've needed the break that I took inadvertantly. It's been good to get some miles back in & get some intensity again. I went out last weekend with the usual group & went for a long steady ride. I didn't bring enough to eat & paid dearly for it near the end of the ride. It had gotten quite hot out during the ride & between not having enough to eat during the ride & the temp, it really hit me hard. I barely managed to finish the ride. I had a good average speed going until all that happened. My average speed dropped down to 17.6. I went riding with Will the following Monday to do intervals. We did about 11 of them and my legs actually felt pretty good. The weather around here is starting to get a bit crazy, don't know if it's going to rain in the afternoon or be very hot. I took Tuesday & Wednesday off the bike. I went with the group on Thursday's route & my legs felt pretty good. I was able to stay with the front group most of the ride, then about 4 guys got off the front. I tried chasing them down, but the gap stayed the same. I settled into a nice rhythm and just finished the ride. I did 35 miles with an average speed of 20.3 mph. Let's just see how the rest of the weekend goes.......

1 comment:

biker1881 said...

glad I am not the only one that has gone through the "end of the ride" troubles. I did a century out in Douglas last week and I barely finished myself. Was ok for the first 90 then pretty much collapsed for the last 19. I was having to take breaks every 5 miles just to finish.

Keep up the miles and hope to see you again.