Tuesday, July 03, 2007

What a storm!!!!!!

It's been too darn long since my last post, but I've been riding as much as I could. I'm getting ready for the Georgia Games crit this coming Sunday. I've been riding with Will and the CGC guys on the group rides. I really enjoy riding with Will, he pushes me harder than I probably would if I was alone. We went out yesterday to do our usual loop. My legs felt good going up the hills on Lake Joy, we took turns in front and kept the pace up pretty good. On the way back home we noticed that the sky was getting darker and darker the closer we got to home. We were hoping we would get back home before we got caught in the rain. Needless to say we didn't get that lucky. Once we hit Piney Grove Baptist Church, the lightning and thunder started. Will & I each headed towards our respective homes, and the closer I got to my house, the worse the weather got. Once I made the left turn on Mt. Zion Rd. I could barely see 10 feet in front of me, due to the amount of rain and my glasses fogging up. By the time I hit Peach Blossom Rd, for the final leg of the ride, I was totally soaked. I could feel my shoes squish water with each downstroke of the pedals. My jersey and shorts were soaked, but it was kind of fun riding in the rain. I finally made it home in one piece and was just wet. I'll file a race report after the race & I'll try to post at least one or more times before then. Stay tuned.......

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