Sunday, August 12, 2007

It's HOT out there!!!!!!

Boy, I know it's usually hot during August here in Georgia, but this month has been worse than usual. It's been either close to or over 100 degrees most of this month, that's the temp, not the heat index. When you add in the humidity and the other things to make up the heat index, it's been between 105 up to 120 degrees. I don't know about most of you, but for me that's a bit too hot to be outside riding. I've tried that in the past & ended up very dehydrated and sick. I hated feeling that way so until the temps drop down a bit, I guess I'll just be riding the trainer indoors for the time being during the week & getting outside early on the weekends. I hope the temps will drop down a bit here soon, I hate riding the trainer for more than 90 minutes. I do it during the winter, but that's about the limit when the sun is shining outside. I'll keep you updated on things here, keep checking.......

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