Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Good days & bad days

I went riding yesterday & my legs felt good. I didn't think I was pushing it that hard. I did the usual route I do with Will. I kept up a good pace and did a few hard efforts during the ride. I managed to do about 38 miles and average 19.4 mph for the ride. Yesterday was the good day, I paid for yesterday today. I went on the usual group ride and my legs just felt heavy during the warm up part of the ride, that was a sign it wasn't going to be a good day. I hung with everyone on the first climb, but then come the second climb is when I found out that the legs weren't there today. I survived the second climb and up to Bible Camp Rd. Everyone was regrouping at the silo. We were missing Kim so I headed back down Bible Camp Rd to find her. Shane met me part of the way down the road & called Kim, she said she was taking the shorter route so Shane & I did the smaller loop of the Tuesday ride. I was just glad to survivethe ride back home. I learned a good lesson today, it's hard to do two hard days back to back, but I learned I need to recover better than I had been lately. I guess I'll take tomorrow off & try my best on the group ride Thursday.

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