Monday, May 18, 2009

Tour de Cure

Yesterday was the Tour de Cure in Tyrone, Ga. This has been one of my favorite rides for quite a few years. The cause is one dear to my heart. I'm a Type 2 diabetic, so are my parents, & my aunt. My late grandfather was a Type 1 diabetic & I can remember him giving himself insulin shots in the morning when I spent the night with them. The weather was overcast, cool, with a hint of rain. I went to the Red Riders Tent to pick up my registration number & new really cool looking new jersey. I went back to the car to get ready for the ride. I was doing the metric century route again this year. We headed out on the ride & I was with a group that had a good pace going from the beginning. We pretty much stayed together until the second rest stop. I had to stop to answer nature's call. I then pretty much rode on my own for about the next 20-25 miles. My legs felt good with all the climbing on the route. There were a few steep hills that slowed me to single digits on the computer, but the downhills more than made up for them. I stopped one more time to check on my blood sugar levels & then caught another group for the rest of the route back. The rain had pretty much held off until I had about 5 miles left to ride. It wasn't that heavy, but it was still there. After getting back to the start area, I ate lunch, that's when it started to rain even more. I was supposed to be able to geet a massage, but decided to skip that & head on back home before the weather got worse. All in all I did over 64 miles, averaged 19.55 mph for the ride, & felt good the entire ride. Thanks for reading.....

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