Thursday, April 06, 2006

What a lousy week it's been

I know it's been a bit since I've updated this thing so forgive me. I had the EEG and VER tests done on the 3rd and ever since then I've been sick. I've been really tired since Tuesday and stayed home from work the past two days. I went to the doctor today and found out I have a case of bronchitis. I can go back to work tomorrow and we'll see about getting on the trainer this weekend. I have to see the neurosurgeon on the 10th to see what he's found out with the last MRI I had done. My family doctor wants me to have a CT scan of my upper body to see if what's in my head didn't start somewhere else. They are going to get back with me on when that will be scheduled. I just hope to get a good night's sleep tonight, haven't been able to sleep well since Tuesday night. That's about all I have for now.

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