Friday, December 19, 2008

Wednesday Rides & a Crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went for a ride early Wednesday afternoon seeing as I had the day off. I hadn't been on the bike for a week. I decided to just take it easy to see how the legs were feeling. I was surprised at how good they felt with being off for a week. I kept it in the small ring, but did push the cadence up a few times. I just took an easy route with just a few climbs, nothing big, just so I woudln't kill my legs. I ended up doing about 23 miles with an average speed of over 19 mph. I guess my legs felt better than I had thought during the ride. On Wednesday night, Charles from The Bike Store, was putting on crit practice at Perry Primary School. I decided to give it a shot, I need all the practice I can get when it comes to crits anyway. There were about 5 of us at the start and I wanted to see how good my legs felt. After warming up a few laps, I thought it was about time to see about putting the hammer down. I picked up the pace and was keeping a steady 21-23 mph just slowing for the corners. I was doing that for the better part of an hour. I then decided to do a few slow laps to recover for a bit. My legs were starting to get a bit tired. After a few cool down laps Charles was feeling a bit on the froggy side. I was trying to chase him down when I was turning a corner, one minute I'm upright on the bike, the next, I'm down on the pavement wondering what happened. I layed there to make sure I wasn't seriously hurt. Thankfully I wasn't hurt, my helmet took the brunt of it. Thanks to the helmet manufactureres for making a great product. I found out that my rear tire blew out & I think that's what caused me to go down. The bike is fine & I'm just a bit sore. I went for a recovery ride today, my legs felt good. I took it easy for most of the ride, but I had to put in one hard effort to see how my legs would feel. The legs felt pretty good doing a hard effort on the big ring. It hurts more to walk than it does to ride. I've got a bit of a limp, but I'm sure that will go away when the soreness is gone. I'm just going to have to be a bit more careful when taking corners. Thanks for reading & stay tuned for more adventures......

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