Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Weekend was a wash for riding

Woke up on Saturday morning to rain. I headed to the meeting place for the Peach Peloton ride, hoping the rain had stopped in north Macon, but it actually was raining harder there then when I left my house. I thought I would head up to see if they were doing the Southside Fondo ride in Fayetteville, but it was the same story, rain. So, seeing as I was already up that way I stopped in to Epic Bikes to give the Power Tap Time Trial Series a go. I warmed up on the trainer for 20 minutes, then it was time to hammer. I increased the cadence & pushed it hard for the next 10 minutes. I started to feel it about minute 7, but I just gritted my teeth and pushed through it. I averaged 274 watts for the 10 mintues. I'm hoping to do it here again in the next few weeks to see if my numbers will improve. On Sunday it was pretty much the same story, it rained the entire day, so riding outdoors was a total wash. I'm hoping to be able to ride more this week and looking foward to the Peach Peloton ride this weekend. Stay tuned for more adventures......

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