Friday, January 18, 2008

Nice day for a good ride

Today I went riding because the Peach Peloton ride scheduled for tomorrw was cancelled due to bad weather. It's going to rain all day tomorrow so I figured I'd get at least 90 mins on the bike today. I started out from my house & my legs felt pretty good. I rode the trainer last night at an easy pace for 90 minutes. I was surprised at how good my legs were feeling. I headed out on a route that I usually ride with my friend Will. It's a 30 mile loop with rolling hills. I warmed up for the first 5 miles of the ride in the small ring, then once I hit Hunt Rd, it was time to pick the pace up. I put it in the big ring and started pushing it harder. My legs felt great, I turned onto Lake Joy & kept a steady pace heading for the first of two climbs on that road. I really didn't push the first one that bad, because I wanted to push the pace up the second one. I climbed up the second hill at a good pace for me. I recovered & started picking things up again. I hit Kings Chapel Rd & I was feeling good. I rode hard to Arena Rd, & then turned off 127 to Bear Branch Rd. I picked up the pace on that road & I was starting to feel it a bit in my legs. I rode hard down that road turning on Farr Rd heading back towards home. I eventually hit Old Perry Rd & picked up the pace once again. My legs were feeling it, but I just kept on pushing at a steady pace. I pushed up the last two climbs on Old Perry Rd & then cruised for a bit on Hwy 96. I crossed Moody Rd on 96 & then picked up the pace for one more push. I was feeling a bit sore by now, but I just ignored it & kept on pedaling. I made the turn onto Peach Blossom for the home stretch & it was hard keeping a steady effort, but I tried my best. I reached home with one of the best rides I've had in a long time. I did 30.1 miles in 1:27:20 for an average speed of 20.6 mph. I can tell that all the suffering doing the Peach Peloton rides, Cyclo-Core, Cyclo-Zen, & the workout program are paying off. I need to concentrate on what I've learned so far & keep working on losing more weight. I'm looking forward to racing this season & should be more competitive than I was last year. Stay tuned for more updates.......

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