Friday, December 14, 2007

Peach Peloton #6

I know this post is about a week late, but I've been busy with other projects all week long and doing some Christmas shopping also. This past Peach Peloton ride started out in east Macon. We started from Bernd Elementary School & headed out. We had a group of about 10-12 of us on the ride. The plan was to ride about 80 miles with no attack zones, just practice rotation throughout the ride. I was happy about not having the attack zones, but didn't know how my legs were going to feel this ride. I spent the Friday night before the ride working on cleaning a house for friends to earn some extra cash for the holidays. I stayed with the group the first half of the ride until the store stop. We headed back towards Macon & started to hit some hillier roads. I was able to stay with the group until we hit Myricks Mill Rd. Chad describes that road as one short downhill & about the next 5 miles of climbing & he's right. I was dropped on the first climb on the road. I stayed within myself & rode that stretch of road at my pace. I wasn't the only one having problems on that stretch of road. Shane showed up for the ride & he was having a hard time too. I guess I over did it with the house cleaning because we regrouped before heading back to Macon & once we hit a good climb, I was dropped off the back again. Shane & I pretty much rode back to the school together, tired but feeling good to finish that distance. I was pretty much shot for the rest of the day, but have been doing more riding this week & doing the training exercises so far. Some of the workouts are getting a bit easier to do, but some still hurt. LOL That's about all I have for now, stayed tuned for more updates......

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