Thursday, June 15, 2006

Today was a heck of a ride!!!!!!

Today was the usual Thursday group ride with CGC. We stayed together until the big hill on Larry Walker Parkway. I just kept a steady pace & was able to catch the lead goup on Grovania Road. I hung with them as long as I could, but had to let them get ahead of me. They slowed down & let everyone regroup on Elko Road. I tried hanging with them, but realized that if I stayed with them, I might not be able to finish. I just rode at my own pace & kept it as high as I comfortably could. I saw a few of the other riders who took the short route & did my best to catch them. I caught them just before the finish of the ride. I managed to beat my best average speed this week. I averaged 20.4 mph for 35 miles. I'm sure I'll be a bit sore tomorrow, but I'll go for an easy spin to loosen the legs up before a long ride on Saturday morning. I just hope the weather co-operates with me this weekend. Same bike time, same bike web address.........

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