Saturday, December 02, 2006

Nice Day for a Ride

Today I went & rode the Sunday route the club does. My legs felt pretty good even during the climbing on the route. I was able to keep a pretty good average speed the entire route. I manged to do 52.3 miles with an average speed of 18.8 mph. I felt a twinge of pain in my right knee after about 40 miles so I stopped at a convience store to stretch my legs out. After a brief stop, my legs felt good. I use the Perpetuem emergy drink from Hammer Nutrition & it worked great. They say to use that for rides over 2 hours. I managed to ride 2:47 + hours today. I'm hoping to take it kind of easy tomorrow, but we'll just have to see. My legs may feel good enough to ride for a couple hours, but I won't know till I get on the bike. Stay tuned for my further adventures........

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