Saturday, December 02, 2006

Cyclo-Core Update

I've been doing the Cyclo-Core workouts for about 2 weeks now. I've decided to do each body resistance workout seperately instead of all 3 at one time. I learned the hard way not to do that. I have noticed small increases in flexibiliby & strength just in the time I've done them. The hindu squats will work you out & I'm able to do more of them each time I try them. The same with the narrow width push-ups. The dvd has you do 25 of them, but the first time I tried I could only do 15, the next time I did that workout I did 17, and this past time I'm up to doing 20 push-ups. I'd say that's a good improvement in just a short period of time. Some of the balance exercises are really hard for me & it's going to take some time to get them down, but they say practice pays off in the long run. My flexibility is a little better, but I'm betting that if I lose more of my gut I'd probably do better at those exercises too. I have noticed that I have lost some inches around my waist because my pants are getting a bit bigger. I might have to purchase a new belt & possibly some new pants here soon. I have been watching what I have been eating. I'm trying not to indulge so much on the junk food & eat more fruits & veggies. I know it's going to be hard during this holiday season to avoid all the good food, but I'll do my best not to over indulge myself. I'll alllow myself some treats from time to time so I can enjoy this time of year. I'll post another update on this program in the near future. Stay tuned...........

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