Saturday, October 06, 2007

Just enjoying the ride

The weather here has been great here lately, it has rained a few days, but we need it. I have been able to get outside & enjoy the cooler temps a few days this week. I have really enjoyed just getting out & ride my bike. I haven't been putting any pressure to ride hard or anything like that. It's been fun checking out the scenery as I ride. I'm just trying to keep a level of fitness before the Peach Peloton rides start next month. I'm looking forward to see if I can survive the first month of them & then we'll go from there. The saddle is getting broken in slowly, but it's getting there. My legs have felt good on each ride. I've been losing weight slowly but steadily. I have lost 9.2 lbs so far on Weight Watchers. I'm still on track to reach my goal weight by my birthday. Here's to keeping it up & sticking with things, wish me luck.

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